Pakistan IoT Students Team (PIST)

Pakistan IoT Students Team (PIST) is a group of impassioned and self-driven individuals who want to contribute positively to the 4th Industrial Revolution in terms of the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence. Our goal is to guide and mentor the new generation of IoT specialists in achieving their dreams.

Here at PIST, our aim is to:
○ Provide a learning platform for IoT students all over Pakistan;
○ Provide them with guidance for making their own startups, and to launch their freelancing careers;
○ Making Pakistan a hub of IoT based products by facilitating the minds involved in evolving them.

Together, we believe we can make a difference for the betterment of this world and mark Pakistan’s entry into the 4th Industrial Revolution and forge our way to a more digitized Pakistan!


An IoT community that creates winners

We believe in an open conducive learning environment where we create a virtuous cycle, members learn from each other, try to solve each other’s issues and create winners from within the community.


  • Students face a lot of similar issues while
    working with rust.
  • No online platform exists which specifically
    caters embedded rust.
  • Creating a community which impacts
    embedded programmers on a global level
    from Pakistan.

Your future is waiting for you...


To provide an IoT learning platform to help our mates
and fellows achieving their business idea
or career goal into reality.


To deliver superior IoT products that
drive outstanding customer


We Believe in Diversity, Design thinking, Being Agile,
Learning, Leadership, Integrity, Quality,
Teamwork & Fun.